Alternative therapy practitioners, like all other healthcare providers, have to follow a specific set of rules when treating clients.

File keeping of a client’s initial condition and subsequent progress is necessary to keep track of how the treatments you are receiving are helping, as well as maximising eventual communication with other healthcare practitioners you might be seeing. It is also a legal obligation in accordance with the AVG privacy rules that apply to the entire European Union.

Your file contains notes that include your state of health as you indicated during the initial interview along with information about the examinations and treatments that occurred during the initial and follow-up visits. Other information may also include names and contact numbers of other therapists you might be working with and with whom I might need to communicate with.

I do my best to guarantee the privacy of your information. This means that I alone handle your personal and medical data and make sure that unauthorised persons do not have access to it. The only instances when your information may be shared is to inform other healthcare providers or lawyers you might be working with or when referred to another practitioner. In either case, this only happens with your explicit written authorisation.

Client’s file are kept, as required by law, for a period of up to 20 years.


In the eventuality that you have a complaint about anything related to my practice, I ask you to discuss this dissatisfaction with me first. If you are unable or unwilling to discuss the complaint with me personally or we are unable to resolve it together, then you can ask for the assistance of a complaints adviser through my professional association the LVNT (Landelijke Vereniging Natuurgeneeskundig Therapeuten). They will support you in formulating your complaint and in trying to find a solution. An other possibility for where to take your complaints is SCAG (Stichting Complementaire en Alternatieve Gezondheidzorg).